Resolution 2022: Hobby Bingo!
2022 begins
For those of you who followed my resolution projects from the last two years, you will know that I have now completed painting all the models in my “backlog”. That has left me free to pursue any models I want going forward.
So this year I’ve decided to set myself a hobby bingo challenge. Anybody who still reads White Dwarf will know that their studio staff did this last year as part of dealing with the pandemic lockdowns. A quick google revealed that the idea has been floating around for a long time in general though. Setting myself targets and almost arbitrary “to do” lists is what I enjoy so I think this will be fun.
Above is my own personal hobby bingo. I took the 2022 one from December’s White Dwarf but made some tweaks so that it suited my needs better.
First, its now system (and manufacturer) agnostic. Second, I expanded terrain to included dioramas as well. I did my first diorama a few weeks ago and quite liked it. Third, unit sizes assume 28-35mm, but I’m not limited to scale. So for example a 75mm character just occupies the slot of a large model.
When you think about it I will have to complete a model or unit every two weeks to get all 25 done in a year. Some will be easier than others but I will have to keep on-track to stand a chance of completing by the end of the year.
I used to be so manufacturer specific when GW put rules in to tournaments and competitions stating that only GW miniatures could be used (no proxies). Last year I threw off that shackle and have enjoyed my painting, especially of fantasy miniatures. If I do enter Armies on Parade this year (if it goes back to in-store rather than remain online only) then I will conform to GW only to avoid expulsion… I like your idea of adapting the ‘Bingo’ card and wish you luck in completing over the year. I’m going to continue with my ‘lucky dip’ random selection… Read more »
using your card, I’m playing along. so far I have 7 boxes. but no lines yet
I’m glad you like it. You’re off to a good start.