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Silver Bayonet

Silver Bayonet

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Terrain ideas

Tutoring 9
Skill 10
Idea 10
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Terrain ideas
Terrain ideas

“Was this a statue? Those flowers are long out of season… Curious… We should investigate those holes… Private Craven?! Stick your hand in there…”


This was an attempt to use a kids toy packaging as a mold. It was a cheap robot type thing and I hoped it would come out looking like a wrecked robot as a Sci-Fi terrain piece. It ended up looking too undefined to resemble anything hi-tech even if it was rusted up.

So I looked at it again with Silver Bayonet eyes and figured it could be an ancient Easter Island type statue to a long forgotten God and somewhere you might find occult types lurking.

As the game feels more about clues than dragging loot around it seems more fun to make this a point of interest.

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