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Silver Bayonet

Silver Bayonet

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Tutoring 8
Skill 11
Idea 10
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Kitbash funKitbash fun

I had already painted 3 or four Napoleonic miniatures as a trial run for Sharp Practice armies I intended to start. I had also primed a few more in Army Painter Skeleton Bone, but never got around to painting them. These initial primed models were Warlord Games sprues from one of their sprue sales a few years ago. Even though as a rule I very rarely change anything once a prime coat is down I decided to kit bash some zombies from these built models.

The additional zombie parts are from a bits box, comprising mostly of Mantic Games fantasy range parts. Most got fresh Mantic zombie or ghoul hands on their arm free of the musket. I cut off the shakos and the heads on most of the started models, added the undead heads and often popped a shako back on top.

I think I may need more, but will check to see if they are mostly armed with muskets or whether it will be more balanced if some just have improvised weapons. Plus I will check the scenarios for how many the likely headcount of zombies might be.

I enjoyed the kitbash process and the paintingI enjoyed the kitbash process and the painting

I used Fleshtearer Red Contrast for the uniform coat, continued a pattern of using Averland Sunset yellow cuffs like I had for some fully painted infantry I had. I used Mephiston Red as a highlight. The mini looked too much like the regular infantry I had already painted and I remember from reading my Sharpe books that the colour would often fade and the dye run until the army looked almost pink at times, so I added some watered down Wraithbone here and there to show some age and weathering. The British regulars white trousers and clay piping  had been been built up from the Skeleton Bone Primer to a bright Army Painter Matt White with dust around the ankles, so for the revenants I only used Wraithbone as the closest to white it was taken. I imagine that the bed roll / blanket once on campaign could end up being a variety of colours, so I kept the zombie rolls an Agrax and Skeleton Bone finish to again separate them a bit from the regulars.

One of my Infantrymen.One of my Infantrymen.

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