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80th Anniversary Wargame Video - Iwo Jima (Elessar2590 vs. Oriskany)

80th Anniversary Wargame Video - Iwo Jima (Elessar2590 vs. Oriskany)

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5-Minute "Fly Over" review of 20mm Wargame Table - Battle of Trenton

Tutoring 12
Skill 12
Idea 12
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In the winter of 1776, the American Revolution flickers at the precipice of oblivion.

Having suffered a staggering string of defeats and with only about 2000 soldiers left under command, General Washington hatches a last-ditch, do-or-die plan to buy the Revolution just a little more time.

On Christmas night, Washington takes the starving, barefoot remains of his army across the icy Delaware River, out of Pennsylvania and into New Jersey. This risky crossing is made at night during a snowstorm, followed by a nine-mile forced march.

Their target is a garrison of German troops – commonly called “Hessians” – fortified at the town of Trenton. The assault takes place at daybreak on 26 December. It is a spectacular success, often lauded as the “Christmas Miracle of ‘76”.

For the 245th anniversary of the Battle of Trenton, we built a 20mm wargame, played live on stream.

This video highlights the table and armies set up for our recreation of this fateful historical event.

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