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Adventures in code

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In the beginning ...

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Many many many moons ago in the before times (probably more like 2 decades ago) I loved to play a little videogame by Epic called ‘Unreal Tournament’.

Great game, but it had one tiny annoyance … the AI team mates and enemies could be tweaked, but it was not exactly fun or fast to do.
And because I loved to write code and needed a project to learn stuff I created a thing that was useful to me.

A few years later they’d released Unreal Tournament 2003 … which kind of shared the same issue. And because I still loved to code … I made a fix for that too.They also held a contest for people who made stuff for their game, which provided the bit of extra motivation to complete it (sadly no win, but a mention in the final results which kind of was good enough … ).

Many many years have passed since then and I kind of stopped writing code for fun as I had lost motivation. A while back I got an e-mail from someone who was still using my program and it was kind of cool to know that somehwere out there my things still had a purpose.

So … here I am. In a new type of hobby, rediscovering my love for coding once more and with a new idea that may or may not be useful.

Not quite sure when/if it will ever get done.
I do know one thing : I have learned a few lessons from those ancient projects.

What this thing is going to be ?
It’s a secret … (not really)

Warning … more ramblings and possibly lots of technical nerd talk ahead.

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