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A Post-Apocalyptic Christmas

A Post-Apocalyptic Christmas

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Day 6

Tutoring 6
Skill 7
Idea 10
1 Comment

Weather: Heavy Snow

halfway between Skarzysko Kamienna,  and Kielce Poland

Bears DenBears Den

JJ stumbles onto a bear, JJ wins the initiative. JJ shots the bear and does 4 damage. The bear charges at JJ, but before ut can reach JJ . JJ shots it dead.

In good companyIn good company

JJ encounters more hunters and they share 4 rations with him

Loaded like a freight trainLoaded like a freight train

JJ hears the train coming and passes a recon test to hide, as he still doesn’t have anything to deal with large vehicles.

JJ rests on the outskirts of Checiny for the Night.

JJ checks his map and reckons he will be in Krakow in just over two days.


Note: I roll for the weather every day, on a 1 the weather gets one step worse, and on a 6 the weather gets one step better. To date, there have been plenty of 1’s but you can’t get worse than heavy snow








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Cult of Games Member

Man, this is a great little mini campaign, @tuffyears – great job!

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