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FoW: Vietnam by Andre77

FoW: Vietnam by Andre77

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Medivac und 1st cavalry Hogs

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 5
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Medivac und 1st cavalry Hogs
Medivac und 1st cavalry Hogs
Medivac und 1st cavalry Hogs
Medivac und 1st cavalry Hogs
Those shark mouth decals were the horror. 2 broke into pieses. So i cut the last one left in 5 pieces in advance und then carefullay applied those piece by piece. Rest covered up with paint.Those shark mouth decals were the horror. 2 broke into pieses. So i cut the last one left in 5 pieces in advance und then carefullay applied those piece by piece. Rest covered up with paint.
Medivac und 1st cavalry Hogs

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