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Dragged kicking and screaming back to AoS

Dragged kicking and screaming back to AoS

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And now for the other side

Tutoring 3
Skill 2
Idea 2
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Now that the Orruks were complete I turned my attention to the stormcasts I had from soul wars and the first box set (dont know if had a specific name). These had all been built and primed blue as I wanted blue armour on them at the time. Some of them had more finish than other and they currently looked like this.

And now for the other side
And now for the other side

I revisited the idea of blue armour and came up with a new scheme which I will record below in case I need it again. Some of the assembly and priming is dreadful and I should really have stripped them but I couldnt bring myself to do it especially as its quite cold out side.

The new scheme went as follows:

  • The armour is chrome
  • Some of the cloth and inside of the capes and sholders is Magic blue
  • Most of the cloth and bits of the bow are black
  • The belt, straps, bag, handles weapons, plumes and parchment are wraithbone
  • The hammer on the shoulder, parts of the weapons and other markings are retributor armour
  • The belt, straps and bag are snakebite leather
  • The weapon handles are volupus pink
  • The chome armour is covered with aethermatic blue
  • The parchment is ushabti bone
  • The plume is gryph-hound orange
  • The lighting on the shoulder and crystal phial on the belt are white
  • The gold is washed with reikland fleshshade
  • The parchment is washed with agrax earthshade
  • The end of the arrows is blood angels red

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