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A Post-Apocalyptic Christmas

A Post-Apocalyptic Christmas

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Day 2

Tutoring 9
Skill 9
Idea 12
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Piotrkow Trybunalski, Poland

Weather Heavy Snow

JJ decides to leave the Polski Fiat back at the minefield, JJ has set his sights on reaching Krakow before the year’s end. As he remembers this is one of the army marshaling points before the shit hit the fan, and JJ hopes that maybe he can reconnect with command there.


Passing thru Piotrkow Trybunalski, JJ passes a 220-meter by 44-meter deep nuclear strike crater. JJ decides to avoid the crater so as not to take any extra rads

The battlefeildThe battlefeild

JJ searches the site of this tank battle and Rolls a 7 and a 3 on the recon check. with one pass he finds a golf club, JJ decides to leave this behind

That's an order !That's an order !

JJ encounters a half-crazed US officer in Sulejow, who tries to order JJ to execute some civilians. JJ tries to reason with the officer. But I failed the Empathy C (D8) & Manipulation F (No dice) check as I rolled a 5, I pushed the roll (rerolled) and got a 4.

The officer pulled his pistol and tried to shoot JJ, and missed. However, JJ’s police training kicks in JJ pulls his own pistol and kills the officer.  JJ rolls Agility A(D12) & Ranged Combat B(D10) and rolls a double 10. this counts as four successes. one hit and 3 carried over onto damage. 1 base damage + 3 bonus damage. this wouldn’t normally be an instant kill, as an officer normally has 5 hit points, however. The torso is rolled on the hit location dice and then a D10 was rolled, on the hit location chart. 10 on the torso chart is a heart shot, resulting in instant death

JJ Buries the Officer the best he can in the frozen ground, marks the site on his map. so if this shit show is ever over they can send the body home.

JJ sets up camp in the ruins of Sulejow at the end of day 2

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