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Battle of 73 Easting

Battle of 73 Easting

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Video Replay: Panzer Leader Engagement in the World of Twilight 2000

Tutoring 10
Skill 10
Idea 10
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No more background,  no more discussion, here is Part 2 with the battle already in full swing, first blood drawn and opposing units fully engaged and intermingled!

Here is the Part Two of Sunday’s stream, where Damon and myself sat down to try a small-scale tactical wargame in the bleak setting of Twilight 2000.

Damon’s got the starving, threadbare remnants of Soviet 21st Motorized Rifle Division and the Polish 10th Tank Division.  I command the exhausted, shell-shocked survivors of Task Force 3-77 Armor (2nd Brigade, 5th US Infantry Mechanized) and elements of Canadian 4th Mechanized Brigade Group (Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry and 8th Canadian Hussars).

The game is played with the fictional units, vehicles, and weapons included in the original 1984 release of the Twilight 2000 game.  The battle is set right as the 5th US Infantry (Mechanized) finally disintegrates completely, in the absolute last gasp of both the NATO and Warsaw Pact forces in the irradiated wasteland of central Poland.

Infamously, this is where the base campaign pack of Twilight 2000 begins, when 5th Infantry Division HQ is overrun by Polish armor and the commanding general radios to his men in the clear: “Good luck.  You’re on your own.”

Can my Americans and Canadian allies hold off part of this Warsaw Pact offensive and perhaps buy time for more of our comrades to escape?

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