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A Fighting Fantasy Journey

A Fighting Fantasy Journey

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In memory of Christos Achillios

Tutoring 6
Skill 7
Idea 10
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I just heard that fantasy artist Christos Achillios died earlier this month. He is famous for numerous pieces of art and for fighting fantasy he did both guidebooks Titan and out if the pit  my favourite piece is the orc war banner from armies of death. I had that image as a poster and it's s shame a mini hasn't been made of it. Sad loss but he's left us with some classic work   I just heard that fantasy artist Christos Achillios died earlier this month. He is famous for numerous pieces of art and for fighting fantasy he did both guidebooks Titan and out if the pit my favourite piece is the orc war banner from armies of death. I had that image as a poster and it's s shame a mini hasn't been made of it. Sad loss but he's left us with some classic work
In memory of Christos Achillios
In memory of Christos Achillios

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Cult of Games Member

I’ve got a print ‘Ms America’ signed by Chris about 10 years ago… what a loss to the fantasy art community. He could capture a complete story arc in one detailed image. An inspiration. ?

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