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Quarantine 37 - Stargrave

Quarantine 37 - Stargrave

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Experience and loot

Tutoring 6
Skill 9
Idea 9
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One data, one physical lootOne data, one physical loot

As this is a mini campaign and half a crew the experience was capped at 200.

Wasn’t too tough getting there, but forgetting to roll on the encounter table every end of full turn was a mistake that probably taints the result.

Lifts opened – 20xp each = 40xp

Game completed = 30xp

Crew members surviving – 5x 15xp = 75xp

Loot tokens collected – 20xp each = 40xp

Creature kills – 5xp each, max of 20xp = 20xp

I could also have added 5 or 6 successful Powers being used worth 10xp each but that would take me over the 200.

The loot was rolled for and the Data was valuable info and netted me 100 credits.

The physical loot was an advanced weapon. So I rolled on the weapons chart and got a new pistol with an improved range of 14″ and a +1 Damage. I think that will go to my Captain, but not sure.

The experience helps the Captain level up and got spent on one stat improvement and one power activation roll improvement. I change my Heal power activation TN to +11 and a +1 to my shoot skill (up to 4)

The next mission is in a lab. I will need more exploding zombie bloaters and more terrain as Captain Vars’ brother and First Mate tries to escape the reanimated corpses in a biohazard lab with the other half of the crew.

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Cult of Games Member

Data pad…. I see what you did there 😉

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