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Quarantine 37 - Stargrave

Quarantine 37 - Stargrave

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Get to the lift! Battle Report. Continued...

Tutoring 7
Skill 9
Idea 9
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The hacker was knocked down and wounded...The hacker was knocked down and wounded...
After the Mivian takes out the soldier zombie that wounded the hacker and Jean Luc made a b-line for the finally unguarded door that turn came to an end. Captain Vars finally opens the crate at the start of the next turn...After the Mivian takes out the soldier zombie that wounded the hacker and Jean Luc made a b-line for the finally unguarded door that turn came to an end. Captain Vars finally opens the crate at the start of the next turn...
But as a result more plague zombies appear and Vars is now hampered by the loot and is relying on his Command power to get things done.But as a result more plague zombies appear and Vars is now hampered by the loot and is relying on his Command power to get things done.
As the nearest zombie tries to cross their path to the door he was stunned with a shot from Mivian (losing over 7 health), much to the relief of Jean Luc who may have had to fight him next time around.As the nearest zombie tries to cross their path to the door he was stunned with a shot from Mivian (losing over 7 health), much to the relief of Jean Luc who may have had to fight him next time around.
I think it was about now that I realized I had missed some Encounter Table rolls at the end of turns and began to do this propertyI think it was about now that I realized I had missed some Encounter Table rolls at the end of turns and began to do this property
Over the next couple of turns Captain Vars finally rounded the corner of the container and headed for the lift. The hacker regained her feet and escaped to the lift. The zombie got back to his feet and charged into my pathfinder. You have to pass a Will Test check to fight a zombie in melee and thankfully he passed it, fended him off and got as far from him as possible.Over the next couple of turns Captain Vars finally rounded the corner of the container and headed for the lift. The hacker regained her feet and escaped to the lift. The zombie got back to his feet and charged into my pathfinder. You have to pass a Will Test check to fight a zombie in melee and thankfully he passed it, fended him off and got as far from him as possible.
Jean Luc got the lift open...Jean Luc got the lift open...
More zombies popped up from all sides...More zombies popped up from all sides...
The Sniper and Pathfinder racked up more kills as they retreated to the lift, where the hacker cursed them for not hurrying up as she suffered from her wounds.The Sniper and Pathfinder racked up more kills as they retreated to the lift, where the hacker cursed them for not hurrying up as she suffered from her wounds.
The Captain led by example... By slamming in the lift door closed and getting out of Dodge...The Captain led by example... By slamming in the lift door closed and getting out of Dodge...
Eventually Mivian and R2CU got the message and they got into the lift... And that was the end of the game.Eventually Mivian and R2CU got the message and they got into the lift... And that was the end of the game.

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