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A Fighting Fantasy Journey

A Fighting Fantasy Journey

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Book Two: The Citadel of Chaos

Tutoring 15
Skill 17
Idea 16
My two versions of Steve Jacksons Citadel of Chaos. An interesting second book that expands on the rules by adding spells. Something that Jackson used in his Sorcery series and is a good adition to the rules. I prefer the original cover by Ian Miller that reminds me of his work on old school warhammer and just screams chaos. In this adventure we play an apprentice wizard from the Vale of Yore, one of those nice parts of Allansia we never get to visit. We never go anywhere nice. This time we have to enter the Citadel to assainate Balthus Dire a sorcerer who according to background fluff trained with Zagor the Warlock. He also killed his own father and took the citadel and began raising an army. So at least Dire has bad intentions and needs to be stopped.My two versions of Steve Jacksons Citadel of Chaos. An interesting second book that expands on the rules by adding spells. Something that Jackson used in his Sorcery series and is a good adition to the rules. I prefer the original cover by Ian Miller that reminds me of his work on old school warhammer and just screams chaos. In this adventure we play an apprentice wizard from the Vale of Yore, one of those nice parts of Allansia we never get to visit. We never go anywhere nice. This time we have to enter the Citadel to assainate Balthus Dire a sorcerer who according to background fluff trained with Zagor the Warlock. He also killed his own father and took the citadel and began raising an army. So at least Dire has bad intentions and needs to be stopped.
Balthus Dire is a bit of a mix of warrior and sorcerer and as we can see he plans his world conquest with model soldiers on a table. So he cant be all bad. He has a bit more of a life than the usual evil sorcerer being a married man who spends most of his time smoking strange weed and communing with odd creatures in the spirit world.Balthus Dire is a bit of a mix of warrior and sorcerer and as we can see he plans his world conquest with model soldiers on a table. So he cant be all bad. He has a bit more of a life than the usual evil sorcerer being a married man who spends most of his time smoking strange weed and communing with odd creatures in the spirit world.
There are some interesting maps of the citadel out there with good rpg level detail. This one is nice and simple. The Citadel is inhabited by all sorts of chaotic creatures and Jackson has a hint of horror with his creatures. Like the Ganjees who are floating heads from the spirit world and the odd wheelies who are discs with faces and hands. A set of minis exist for them but I havent got them yet. One character you meet is a woman doing the laundry as even monsters need their clothes cleaning. Turns out she is a ghost as Balthus Dire killed her for not doing a good job and now cleans forever.There are some interesting maps of the citadel out there with good rpg level detail. This one is nice and simple. The Citadel is inhabited by all sorts of chaotic creatures and Jackson has a hint of horror with his creatures. Like the Ganjees who are floating heads from the spirit world and the odd wheelies who are discs with faces and hands. A set of minis exist for them but I havent got them yet. One character you meet is a woman doing the laundry as even monsters need their clothes cleaning. Turns out she is a ghost as Balthus Dire killed her for not doing a good job and now cleans forever.
Book Two: The Citadel of Chaos
The Atlantis Miniatures version of Dire who is a bit stiff in the shoulders for me.The Atlantis Miniatures version of Dire who is a bit stiff in the shoulders for me.
The older Otherworld Miniature captures Russ Nicholsons art style in my opinion.The older Otherworld Miniature captures Russ Nicholsons art style in my opinion.

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Cult of Games Member

Great project! These were the books that got me reading as a boy. I stumbled across The Forest of Doom in the school library and was captivated. Led me into gaming, so Livingstone and Jackson have a lot to answer for.

As it happens, my parents were clearing out their loft a couple of weeks back and pulled out most of my old FF books, so I might do the same as you and re-read them all!

Cult of Games Member

If you have the whole collection… you are a very lucky person! I’ve got a load of original 1st Editions from my youth and many more since… but some titles that I’d like to read are only offered frustratingly at such exorbitant prices on eBay. I now just look in charity shops as I’d much prefer to give them my money at a fair price… ??

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