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The Ancient Kin - An Elf Project

The Ancient Kin - An Elf Project

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29 Nov 21: Celdass... a project nearly 20 years old...

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 3
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Back at the near the start of this project one of the first things I did was “unconvert” a miniature. I took a sword that I had used in a conversion and removed it, returning it back to the original miniature. I replaced this miniatures hands with Kingdom Death components matching the original from memory as best as I could.
I figured it was time that I got this one completed and wanted to something a little more with it.

2 Apr 21: Base built with green stuff and a piece of stick to make a good size fallen log2 Apr 21: Base built with green stuff and a piece of stick to make a good size fallen log
11 Jun 21: Pinned to the log, blocking in colour11 Jun 21: Pinned to the log, blocking in colour
29 Nov 21: Skip to the end... To be honest, I forgot to take much in the way of progress shots. 29 Nov 21: Skip to the end... To be honest, I forgot to take much in the way of progress shots.
29 Nov 21: Celdass... a project nearly 20 years old...
29 Nov 21: Celdass... a project nearly 20 years old...
29 Nov 21: Celdass... a project nearly 20 years old...

I’m glad to have this one complete. It has been in my collection for a quite a while. As I recall it was about 2001 when I picked this mini up to convert to use as a character named Celdass in Warhammer Quest and Mordheim. Now it’ll be a Wild Elf sorceress/druid/spell caster.

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