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Quarantine 37 - Stargrave

Quarantine 37 - Stargrave

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Ruffians - Encounter Table

Tutoring 8
Skill 11
Idea 11
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I realized that I have very little in the way of an encounter table bad guys to spice up two player games etc.

So I made some Ruffians. These are basic ganger types, criminal folk with no great fighting skill or equipment, but they have a blaster and a compunction to use it.

Betty was fun because rather than “waste” all my Crew bodies on such things I wanted to use some Frostgrave female models, because I don’t have a ton of use for them and they aren’t my favourite sculpts. I used a bits box head, but I don’t know where it comes from. I think it hides the manly features well enough and I gave her grey hair to use age as an excuse to be less than attractive woman. I imagine her to be a hard nosed matriarch type like Patience in Firefly. The Stargrave Crew hands do look big, but the Frostgrave female sprue hands didn’t look like they would easily convert to take the girth of a sci-fi pistol.

Oni has a bits box fantasy right arm that had an axe, so I snipped in the required blaster instead. The ring on the cuff does suggest a recent escape from incarceration which is fun. The head is another bits box gem of unknown origin. The left arm looks like it was from a GW empire kit of some kind. Ruffians are meant to have no armour, but this gave him the desperate Mad Max style I was hoping for. I like the pose of it all together on the Stargrave Crew body. To me it looks like he’s cocking an ear to what’s happening up ahead and stiffening his arm straight to indicate to any ruffians behind him to hang back whilst he listens.

Uno is a Stargrave Crew body with NorthStar Gnoll arms and a Stargrave blaster. Bits box head might be a Goliath Necromunda head, but I am not 100% sure. I cut off the right hand and glued the blaster in place with part of the original cuff. That looked odd, as though one arm was longer than the other. Rather than snip it and correct it I thought the elbow looked slightly odd in shape and the gap between the forearm wrap and the wrist band looked open to being painted a metal colour to give him a back alley cyber arm repair / enhancement. The silver bands on his neck also suggest something cybernetic which I liked.

I used a black primer with a drybrushed on zenith using Wraithbone to start. The painting was mostly Contrast paint on Oni and Uno, with some Emperor’s Children and Bugman’s Glow mix on the skirt of Betty and her Macragge Blue and ermine overcoat. The leather was mostly Steel Legion Drab (because the zenith was light and black for most of the model) covered with Snakebite Leather Contrast. The skin started with Darkoath Flesh and got Bugman’s Glow highlights and Kislev Flesh here and there. The Aggaros Dunes paint over the shirts of Uno and Oni came out really well as a dirty brown colour. Vallejo Military Green used thinly to tint the zenith on the dark trousers of Uno looks great I think.

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