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Quarantine 37 - Stargrave

Quarantine 37 - Stargrave

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Tutoring 5
Skill 9
Idea 8
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These are my first GW terrain pieces built and painted. I plan to use home crafted bits as well as some Infinity card buildings to fill out my initial battle mats. Eventually I will join in on the craze of making a ship / shuttle for my crew. I know that Joe McCullough loves to stretch you into some bespoke hobby to get some missions played and I don’t doubt this will be the case this time too.

I used Halfords red primer and Cryptek Armourshade and Agrax Earthshade and Stormhost Silver to weather and dry brush the main areas and picked out some details with Runelord Brass. Not my best work but looking for speed and tabletop ready standard right now.

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