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Oriskany's US 28mm Reinforcements

Oriskany's US 28mm Reinforcements

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Force Complete: 15mm PSC Cold War Soviet Infantry

Tutoring 11
Skill 12
Idea 11

Finally finished my half-box of Soviet 15mm Cold War infantry (15mm Plastic Soldier Company). This is the second half of the 141-figure box I purchased a while ago.

The first half of this box was painted as Iraqi infantry to support the 1991 Gulf War 30th Anniversary Project earlier this year.The first half of this box was painted as Iraqi infantry to support the 1991 Gulf War 30th Anniversary Project earlier this year.
The kit includes AKM rifles (obviously), some with underbarrel grenade launchers, RPK LMGs, PKM GPMGs, SA-7 MANPADS, AGS-17 autogrenade launchers, AT-5 Spandrel ATGWs, Dragunov SVD sniper rifles, and some officers.The kit includes AKM rifles (obviously), some with underbarrel grenade launchers, RPK LMGs, PKM GPMGs, SA-7 MANPADS, AGS-17 autogrenade launchers, AT-5 Spandrel ATGWs, Dragunov SVD sniper rifles, and some officers.
A different angle, with some a closer look at some of the heavier support weapons.A different angle, with some a closer look at some of the heavier support weapons.
The new infantry force (say about two platoons' worth) with a small sample of my roughly 30 Soviet Cold War AFVs (a mix of Battlefront, Zvezda, and PSC).  So I guess after almost six years (Team Yankee Bootcamp, November 2015) I finally have a complete Soviet 15mm Cold War force.  No, you don't have a complete force until you have at least some kind of decent infantry contingent.The new infantry force (say about two platoons' worth) with a small sample of my roughly 30 Soviet Cold War AFVs (a mix of Battlefront, Zvezda, and PSC). So I guess after almost six years (Team Yankee Bootcamp, November 2015) I finally have a complete Soviet 15mm Cold War force. No, you don't have a complete force until you have at least some kind of decent infantry contingent.

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oriskanybuggeroff Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

very nice, well done Jim 😀

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