No Cheese! C'est Impardonnable
The Artillery
Artillery was a very important part in Napoleonic warfare, even more so when you take into account that Napoleon himself was an artillery man at heart – graduating as an artillery officer from the military academy at Brienne-le-Château.
It also plays an important role in wargames of the period and no less in DBN. The artillery are divided into two types – the heavy foot artillery and the lighter and mobile horse artillery.
The observant period gamer will notice that I did not paint the lining around the vest of the artillerymen. This was an oversight on my part. I actually intended to paint them but it just slipped my mind. I only noticed after gluing them on and basing everything.
The models are a mixture of Zvevda and Italeri sets. The infantry are Zvevda for sure, the equerry is Italeri but I cannot remember the manufacturer of the cannons.
It is not over for today. I will try to post again tonight, but I am not sure what I will go for.
So until then take care and game on.
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