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Retreat From Moscow

Retreat From Moscow

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Wolf Pack

Tutoring 15
Skill 16
Idea 16

I picked up a set of wolves from Otherworld Miniatures, mainly because I liked the models, but also because they are fairly large, standing around 20mm high to the shoulder. These are intimidating beasts when placed next to a 28mm Napoleonic Perry model, which works out well to my mind. In a black powder era, a normal wolf is not going to be much of a threat, and would avoid humans anyway. These big wolves look threatening and I imagine them being drawn out from the Russian wilderness by other forces.

These were painted with a super quick method, using a series of three washes over a white base coat, and then dry brushed to finish.

Wolf Pack
Wolf Pack

I should have my copy of the Silver Bayonet arriving soon, which will give me a chance to reconcile my random collection of models with what’s actually in the game rules. North Star have mentioned that the second wave of releases will be in January, with units for the three remaining nations (Austrians, Russians and Prussians). The third wave will be in Feb, and will have some specific monsters, including goblins, revenants, scarecrows and vampires. There’s a preview of the vampires sculpted by Mark Copplestone on North Star’s Facebook page, and they look great. North Star are also releasing models for a Retreat from Moscow range to support Shakos and Bayonets, so I’m expecting for this project to continue to grow in the New Year.

Next up on the painting desk will be some armed Russian peasants to act as bandits, and a Cantinière to add to my French.

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Cult of Games Member

The painting is nice… but the sculpts… except for the one on the bottom left the other three look like they are highly constipated and need to take a dump urgently 😉

Cult of Games Member

I have these wolves as well as the direwolves. I can confirm they are beautiful sculps. Otherworld mins are a top notch product were metals and ‘traditional fantasy’ concepts merge.

Great work scribbs. I also sent for some Reaper minis for TSB, but I went with the more traditional Bela Lugosi look for my vampires. They have a model of a vampire carrying a woman and the same model pointing. I got them both. I’ll open a project when they arrive.

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