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The Mountain of Nox

Tutoring 6
Skill 7
Idea 6

There is a reason I love infinity. Every model is a character, every model unique… wait a second. Duplicates!!! I already have Nox Models I don’t think I loved painted them before. Sadly I think out of all my models my Nox have the most likes or love hearts or wherever of any of my models. This pisses me off even though I don’t care about that crap.

I know this is only 6 models but I would say I would have rather have painted 20 ultra marines. I cant believe I left them to the end.

Nox 1Nox 1
Nox 2Nox 2
Nox 3Nox 3
Nox 4Nox 4
Nox 5Nox 5
Nox 6Nox 6

Now they were done you would think I would be happy. All of the first wave apart from the scenery pack done. Sadly not there was a Fate worse than Nox awaiting me.

More to come

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Cult of Games Member

I was going to only like the Nox entries for your project just to further enrage you. Then I worried that might put you over the line and decided the better of it.

Just finished my first play through of the core. Really enjoyed it. Hope you do too.

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