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Let's talkabout 'Mechs bay-bee

Let's talkabout 'Mechs bay-bee

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Update - Printing Around the Sphere

Tutoring 4
Skill 3
Idea 4

Been a bit quiet, so apologies for that. I’ve not had much luck getting any paint down, but have made a few select purchases exploring the options for getting 3d prints of mechs, as I’ve yet to take the plunge with a printer of my own (at this point I think I’m waiting for the crop of projection printers that recently crowdfunded to hit retail next year…). Specifically, I’ve been looking for mechs from the FedCom Civil War on to the end of the Dark Age as A) a lot of these are the designs I’m most familiar with, from Mechwarrior 4 and the Dark Age/Age of Destruction range, and B) well, I think I’ve covered pretty well for everything else from the Amaris Civil War to the Clan Invasion thanks to the CI kickstarter, and I plan to build some forces in the IlClan era…

So, I’ve brought from a mix of Etsy and Ebay sellers and each time found the sellers to be very engaging. I’m currently waiting on an order from Geneslicer on Ebay who provided the Mad Cat Mk IV in the above gallery – they are sorting me our for a Raptor II, Gurkha, Mad Cat Mk III and a Warwolf, some of my fave designs (note – I DO own metals of the Mad Cat Mk II and a couple Mad Cat Mk III’s, but want to see how resin prints stack up. Plus I need to source decent hex bases for them…)

Update - Printing Around the Sphere

And I picked up the IlClan source book, a really good run through the events picking up from the end of the Shattered Fortress sourcebook, and running through the buildup to and battle for Terra that marks the end of the Dark Age/Age of Destruction and the dawn of the IlClan. One warning – if you’ve been reading the fiction releases that preceded this book, you will know the main beats of what happens, but this book is an excellent resource for the “historical” events and forces involved in each theatre.

And one final tidbit: White Rook Studios Urbies United!


Update - Printing Around the Sphere

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Cult of Games Member

Nice… but is that sword bend or is that because the angle it’s photographed in?

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