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"Big Red One" - 28mm US Infantry, 1943

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Game Creation Workshop - How the Sausage is Made

Tutoring 9
Skill 9
Idea 10
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Lately we’ve had quite a few questions across multiple platforms about how our Sunday virtual games are set up and staged.  Also, some of our games are expansions of existing games, so how do we establish game values for, say … Abrams or Challenger battletanks in a system originally designed for World War II?

If you thought we were guessing, I’m afraid I’ve got some bad news.

Tune in!  Be part of the show!  See how it turns out!

Live Sunday at 2PM East US Time, 7PM UK Time

Sitrep Twitch
Sitrep YouTube

More answers to further questions can be addressed on our Discord.

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