Frostgrave Ghost Archipelago
Mouse Thugs
Reaper Miniatures metal mouses. Mice mice baby. They caught my eye, didn’t have guns and though they look odd, being a barbarian, mouseketeer and pirate, them just having a simple hand weapon made them simple thugs.
They got a prime of black then a zenith of Army Painter Leather Brown. Then they each got a different wash. Barbarian with Reikland Fleshshade, the Mouseketeer in Agrax Earthshade and pirate with Nulin Oil. Then they all got a Zandri Dust / white belly and chin. The pirate was taken darker with some Rhinox Hide. The eyes were painted Wyldwood Contrast and the metals were a mix of Runelord Brass and Stormhost Silver. For the Mouseketeer’s hat and tabbard I used Macragge Blue, Nighthaunt Gloom and Nihilakh Oxide.
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