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PanzerKaput Goes To Barons' War

PanzerKaput Goes To Barons' War

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New Objective Markers

Tutoring 16
Skill 20
Idea 19
Objective MarkersObjective Markers

Some of you more eagled eyed of you might of noticed in the Partizan gallery that there was a photo with 6 unpainted, 3D printed markers on the table with all the painted stuff and no real explanation. Well here is that explanation.

They are 6 objective markers that Warhost gifted to me for organising the demo game at Partizan and they are a set of 6 objective markers to be used in the Barons’ War game in some of the scenarios. They are really lovely 3D printed and are so well detailed, some are a little fiddly and delicate and might get simplified or made more robust before getting a release but they are beautiful little vignettes.

I have painted the first two up, a scene with a weapons stash and the other is a scene of ecclesiastical, altar condiments after a raid. They were a dream to paint and look amazing painted up. The nice thing is that they can be used as objective markers for  early medieval (Dark Ages) games or high or late medieval games too plus fantasy games and others. I think this are lovely.

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Cult of Games Member

Epic objective markers, @panzerkaput

Cult of Games Member

Ooh this is looking great and BIG love the details you have in the project also the figures an terrain are stunning looking. congratulations on the gold button @panzerkaput

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