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Spring Cleaning - with an AT-AT!

Spring Cleaning - with an AT-AT!

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How many Mandos is enough?

Tutoring 11
Skill 16
Idea 14

Since for me, there’s no conclusive answer to that question, I’m building, converting and painting even more Mandalorians.

First of all, I’ve finished painting Bo Katan, who is now ready to join the battle. Also, I’ve built and re-posed/converted three new Mando warriors who will replace three already finished figures in my two units of Mando Resistance wearing the colours and markings of Clan Wren. Why? Because my new conversions look better – that’s reason enough for me.

What’s more: I heavily re-designed, re-sculpted (or more accurately: scratch-built) Fenn Rau, who will become the unit leader of one of my two Clan Wren Mando Resistance units.


How many Mandos is enough?
How many Mandos is enough?
How many Mandos is enough?
How many Mandos is enough?
How many Mandos is enough?

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Cult of Games Member

The obvious answer to that question is: yes.

Cult of Games Member

Never enough! Stunning, inspirational work.

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