Collins Does Star Wars Legion
A little bit of plot
Jaster Stormdiver
The Mon Calamari called Jaster Stormdiver used to work as a dock hand in a reasonably busy port. When the Empire came to town Jaster boarded one of the last MC30 frigates moored up and ended up defecting to the Alliance by default. He wasn’t exactly looking for the rebel lifestyle, just wanted to get out of dodge. Now he spends his time keeping his profile low, gills damp and and aim true.
The Jacked Speeder
Sio Tan
Ortolans have a knack for getting everywhere in the galaxy and usually are terrible at demanding payment for things or services rendered. Sio Tan is no different. He has a liking for fireworks and always loved the displays he saw on his home planet of Orto. Along with food in considerable amounts the only payment Sio demands of the rebellion is rockets in vast quantities, he figures if you can’t see a proper display just make your own, something that has led to a lot of unnecessary extra attention for the unit he is posted to.
Eirtaé Chaise
Eirtaé as a female Wookiee who is the industrious individual who procured and retrofitted the land speeder. she has always been one to feel the wind rushing through her fur, be that when she is swinging from vines hanging from wroshyr trees back on Kashyyyk or driving a boosted speeder too quickly down the left flank. She rarely speaks of family or home now and her comrades suspect that for a time she was imprisoned or enslaved by the Empire simply for being a Wookiee.
So nobody knows where Eirtaé procured GH-7 from but one thing is clear, he is the best ‘Gonk’ this side of the mid-rim and has managed to save the land speeder from meeting it’s deserved demise on a number of occasions now. If droids were seen as equals to sentients this little power box would have medals and privileges. For now however all he gets as reward is to ride up front…
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