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Rangers of Shadow Deep - Lord Arblemarch

Rangers of Shadow Deep - Lord Arblemarch

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Daan Hagraven - Archer

Tutoring 2
Skill 3
Idea 4
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A lot of weathering, but that was my intention. Using mostly Steel Legion Drab, Morghast Bone and Wraithbone to do the cloth and Snakebite Contrast on the boots and this mini was pretty much done.A lot of weathering, but that was my intention. Using mostly Steel Legion Drab, Morghast Bone and Wraithbone to do the cloth and Snakebite Contrast on the boots and this mini was pretty much done.
Making the bow string using stretched heated sprue and the arrow using a tank aerial was tricky but looks good in the end.Making the bow string using stretched heated sprue and the arrow using a tank aerial was tricky but looks good in the end.

Daan Hagraven had an exciting past. Even in the turbulent Kingdom of Alladore, where few have an easy uneventful life compared to us pampered readers into this world. He has lived a life. Daan had been a poacher, a gamekeeper, a teacher, a thief, a soldier for the crown and the leader of mercenary free company archers when he didn’t want the wars to end. Now he is respected as a veteran, teaching the elite of society and the palace guard the skills of archery… but the praise became more patronising, his patrons grew fewer and his standing decreased as he got older and the wars became more distant in the collective memory.

It was a message from Lord Arblemarch himself that inspired him to join this party of rangers. It read… “An honourable death or a wealthy retirement are all I can offer you dear Daan. For when you join me, and I trust you shall, the spoils are rich but the price of failure too dire to comprehend. You are no stranger to do or die endeavours and I guess that you half miss such knife edge encounters as I shamelessly do. I say that a marksman such as you is wasted teaching Lordling’s whelps how to hold a bow. There are enemies that not yet know the lethality of your craft and the aplomb with which you delivered death to those that stood against you in yester years. But I know your true worth as a fighting man in the face of this new dark menace. I also can and will put a stack of Marks against that worth. A stack that would make a baroness blush, a stack that a grateful young king would all too happily pay to “The Hero of Baldrick’s Mire”, “The Terror of Traitors Pass”… And soon to be “The Becalmer of Shadow Deep”. Rendezvous with me. Not as a retainer in my retinue, but in good heart and as my brother. Make haste. Yours expectantly, Gulliver.”

lock picking +3

Bow, quiver, dagger, light armour

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