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Assaulting Imperial Assault

Assaulting Imperial Assault

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Episode 8 - Dewback Rider and... Well whatever the fcuk they are

Tutoring 8
Skill 10
Idea 9

Managed to speed paint a few more things tonight.  The initial plan was to paint the AT-DP walker and the Dewback rider, the Loth cats were a bonus.  Well, I say “bonus”, what I really mean is what even is the point of them?  They look like angry Porgs and Porgs and are probably on a list that has such delights as ewoks and jar jar binks – a list of things Star Wars would be better without.  They got a splash of brown contrast paint and the base got painted grey and I still feel like they robbed me of some time I won’t ever get back.

At least the Dewback was fun.  I used exactly the same colour scheme and method as the other one, using contrast paints to do the Dewback and the tried and tested black wash method for the rider .

The AT DP Walker sadly hadn’t been properly assembled, just push fitted.  So it will have to wait until the next update

Dewback RiderDewback Rider
Angry PorgsAngry Porgs

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Cult of Games Member

Nice work… but the camera angle makes me want to put a carrot on the end of the lance XD

Cult of Games Member

do it!

Cult of Games Member

It’s not my mini… and I never got that many minis for Imperial Assault 😉

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