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Preparing for Broadside 2021

Preparing for Broadside 2021

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Another 'jack, plus some Iron Dragons

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 5
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So a few posts ago I said I painted all my warjacks for Khador, but then I purchased two more (whoops).  So one was assembled and it is this one I have finished painting last week.  With this Demolisher (the first time I have brought one) was primed with AP Pure Red spray, a wash of Red Tone and Purple Tone (3:1 mix) to bring out the depth and then edge highlights of AP Pure Red adding increasing amounts of Khador Red Highlight from the P3 range.

Alongside working on this I cracked on with another Manhunter using Contrast paints and the start of a unit of Iron Dragons, primed in Chaos Black and then edge highlighted with P3 Ironhull grey and adding Vallejo Sky Grey.  I then undercoated them with Humbrol Gloss Varnish out of a rattle can, with the intention of painting Matt Varnish on the cloaks and bases.

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