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Project Warcry 2021

Project Warcry 2021

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It's just a flesh wound!

Tutoring 1
Skill 3
Idea 2
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These really are the most disturbing minis GW has ever done. They were the only Warcry warband I had left to do. I had done all the other warbands, monsters, beasts and terrain.

The idea of people cutting off their own faces as a sign of devotion to a cause is a bit much. The fact that cut off and skin their limbs one by one too is excessive, but I guess if you want the Dark Prince of Excess to notice you…..

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horati0nosebl0wer Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

The body horror of these figures really was the selling point for me to get a box. I think in a way they revisited what exactly made some forces cool. Sure you get all the rot and decay of Nurgle which can put a damper on lunch but these come at you and instill the same unease as when you first watched “The Thing” or the remake of “Evil Dead”.

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