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Update and Response to Golden Button

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2
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First off thanks for the Golden Button.  With my con schedule (4 cons in 6 weeks), I know it sucks living within 2 hours of GenCon and Origins, I haven’t had much time for hobby.  So here is an update sort of, I should have the Terror on the High Seas expansion done this weekend.

Some answers to statements or questions presented on the show.

  1. Username, it is my old style unix username in 6-2 format six letters of your last name and the first and last letter of my first name, unfortunately unix could only store 8 letters of my first name.  So Christopher Johnson turns into johnsocp, when I have to say it I usually say it johnso-c-p.
  2. The paint on the aliens is Greenstuff World’s Colorshift Chameleon Red Goblin, with some highlights.
  3. The paint on the flying saucer is Greenstuff World’s Colorshift Martian Green, with no highlights at all.
  4. While I would love to take credit for the pattern on the top of the Merry-Go-Round, it came from Black Site Studio that way.

Now on to a short update, a more comprehensive one this weekend.

Ok, a bigger boat.Ok, a bigger boat.

So I am working on the Terror on the High Seas expansion.  That boat is sitting next to a 48″ ruler.  So it is a bigger boat.

It has a couple of details to add to it, and I have a destroyed section to build also.

The minis for the expansion are sitting on my painting table primed and ready to be painted.

Death on the LineDeath on the Line

New expansion, for me, arrived.  So now I need a boxcar.  Looking at scales of train, it looks like S scale is best for 28mm miniatures.  Unfortunately that is a rather rare scale for trains.  Going to go to the local train store to see if I can find some track and a boxcar.

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Cult of Games Member

great looking terrain an figures for your projects @johnsocp

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