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Sanguis, Sudore et Iubentium

Sanguis, Sudore et Iubentium

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"Bring it on ya F...!!!"

Tutoring 6
Skill 7
Idea 7

Gerry VS Valentinus

Turn 1

phase 1. Not wanting to get caught in Valentinus’ net, Gerry Steps back and on Guard. Val. taunts Gerry from his spot.

phase 2. Confused by Gerrys barrage of whiskey fueled explatives, Val stays put. The crowd is silent.

Turn 2

phase 1. Gerry takes a Cautious Step to an adjacent Zone. Val. Jabs with his trident to no use.

phase 2. With a deep breath Val. Lunges his trident forward, Gerry displays a Skillful Block that pushes the trident away. The crowd begins to cheer for Gerry.

Turn 3

phase 1. Seeing an exposed area on Val. Gerry Thrusts with his sword delivering the first Flesh wound of the match, met with cheers from the crowd.

phase 2. In response Val. Jabs meeting Gerrys Shield, pinging off. Crowd loving it now cheering “beer, beer…!”

Turn 4

phase 1. Gerry takes a Cautious Step forward. Val. Feigning pain from his flesh wound, slyly pulls his Off-hand Pugio out and into Gerrys gut! For a Flesh wound. Crowd sees blood cheers for Val.

phase 2. Seizing the opportunity, Val. Trusts at Gerry. Gerry not wanting to be outdone, Kicks Valentinus in the chest. Each men come out unharmed. The crowd loving Gerrys rage!

Turn 5

phase 1. “Ya F@#K!” Gerry Jabs at him but the cheeky bastard Kicks Sand into his eyes Knocking Gerry Down!

phase 2. Val. Jabs his trident down, knocking into Gerrys shield.

Turn 6

phase 1. As Gerry Stands he Thrusts at Val. causing a flesh wound.

phase 2. Both men Jab at each other. The Roar of the Crowd helps Gerry have the upper hand Knocking Down Val.

Turn 7

phase 1. Gerry Kicks at Val. as he tries to Stand. “Stay down you F@#k you!” knocking him down again.

phase 2. As Val. stands, Gerry Thrusts his sword at him, leaving a flesh wound.

Crowd cheers full “Gerry!!!”

Turn 8

phase 1. Loving the blood dripping from multiple cuts, Gerry Jabs at Val. as he ties to take a Cautious Step back. The blow knocks Val down once more.

phase 2. Retiarius Valentinus’ heart races, his lungs desperate to match. A faint laughter from Gerry begins to echo in his head.

Turn 9

phase 1. With an Adrenaline rush Gerry Steps forward Jabs and delivers another Flesh wound. Crowd loving it cheering “beer, beer, beer!”

phase 2. “Get up and die you F…!” Begrudgingly Val. Stands up. Gerry puts his shield up and motions to him to attack.

Turn 10

phase 1. Knowing Gerrys’ taunts is a trap, Val. tries to Step Back. Raging with the Roar of the Crowd Gerry extends a Well Timed Strike, disemboweling Valentinus, wining the match. “Haaaa Haaaa stay dead ya F@#k!”



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Cult of Games Member

Well he may not have decapitated the helmet less Val, but Gerry (@avernos) drew upon his inner Snake Plissken soul and secured the win… great story told?. A great example for fellow gladiator Bennus (@brennon) to copy when he enters the arena? ?


I’m a fuckin’ ninja! \o/

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