Bits and Pieces
Poles in Spain
The other unit I recently completed was another Infantry battalion for my French Peninsular forces, in the form of a Polish battalion I received as a present.
I decided that these were to be painted as the 1st Battalion, 1st Regiment of the Vistula Legion. I know there is a debate that they did not wear the Czapka in Spain but shako but they do look good. Also it was a struggle to identify the correct uniform details, some sources I have had them with yellow collars and cuffs, while others had them with blue collars lined yellow. There was also varying descriptions as to whether the pompom colour was white or black. In the end I decided to go with the uniform description I had in the old Almark French Infantry book I acquired in the late seventies when I had first started in the hobby.
The standard is from GMB Designs.
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