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Oriskany's US 28mm Reinforcements

Oriskany's US 28mm Reinforcements

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Video Replay: Elessar2590 vs. Oriskany in Brigade-Level Modern Tank Combat

Tutoring 11
Skill 11
Idea 11

Here is the replay of Sunday’s live stream game, where @elessar2590 and I faced off in Modern Era Panzer Leader.  This one starts off in progress, so the video gets to the blood-n-guts action in pretty quick order.

It envisions a hypothetical near-future war where Russia makes a shove across the Latvia and Lithuania, intent on reclaiming these former Soviet republics and re-establishing full naval and maritime access to the Baltic Sea.

Of course Lithuania and Latvia are NATO states, so lots of Western allies are rushing to their defense.  In short, this one gets hot, and gets hot quick.

Might be a fun listen while hobbying or painting.

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oriskanylonkelo Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

A great listen once again! It made the perfect background for some miniature painting once again. I’m looking forward to the next what-if modern war!

Very interesting with the Turkish drone in the Polish army by the way. There was a longish article on them in a Dutch newspaper recently: how Turkey decided to make their own drones because the Americans wouldn’t sell them any. Apparently now everyone wants them and they are quite advanced (although I’m no specialist on this in any way!).

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