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Raiders of Éireann

Raiders of Éireann

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The Fomorian Warband

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 6
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The Fomorians focus on mobility and specialists. They are all aquatic and are able to bring extra water features to battle, making sure that they lay of the land is in their favour. Especially the Lúchorpán are able to travel quickly to the other side of the battlefield with the Water Tunneler ability. Terrorkin are able to immobilise any foe they meet, which can then be taken down by the their monstrous allies. The Reavers pack enough of a punch for this, but their main strength lies in their staying power. While they hold down their enemies, the rest of the warband can focus its powers on the objective.

The Fomorian warband consists of the following:

  • 1 Hero
  • 2 Reavers
  • 3 Lúchorpán
  • 1 Terrorkin
The Fomorian WarbandThe Fomorian Warband

The Fomorian is somewhat smaller than the Milesian one. They strike quick and hard from the mists, dragging away their loot and prisonors to the Other World.

Most minis were actually painted by my wife, but I hope it’s still alright that I share these here. She only started painting minis during the second lockdown here in the Netherlands. She refuses to paint anything resembling a human and is content painting her Burrows and Badgers minis. I was able to convince her to paint these since they’re mostly fish and monsters.

The Reavers are the standard warriors of the Fomorians. The minis are Fomorians from Krakon Games. I absolutely adore these minis, as they come quite close to descriptions of the Fomorians: big, monstrous and only one eye. To be honest, Fomorians can be very diverse, but still! My wife painted the one with the two hand weapons. I painted the other two.

The Lúchorpáin (pronounced, more or less, LOO-khor-pahn). This is actually the earliest spelling for the creatures known nowadays as Leprechauns. The original meaning is ‘Small bodies’. In the earliest story they try to drag a sleeping king into a sea. The minis are Bucca from The Woods game, which were all painted by my wife. She gave each of them in a different colour scheme, using various fish occurring in the Irish Sea as inspiration. Sea if you recognise them from the third image!

This guy, for me at least, is perhaps the quintessential Fomorian: he has only one arm, one leg, one eye and one nipple. The mini is from Krakon Games and was painted by my wife.

The mini for the Fomorian Hero is the Sea Thane from the Red Book of the Elf King. I’m kinda pleased with this mini. It’s a pity that the silver shine of the webbed clothing isn’t really visible. This one was painted by me. Like the Milesian hero, it was painted with a black/white zenith followed by a normal acryllic paint job. I tried to paint the skin like the skin of a dog fish.

Next up to paint is the warband for the Túatha Dé faction!


If you want to see what Raiders of Éireann is all about and/or you’d like to play it:


  • Download the Beta test Rules (v 0.10) here.
  • Go to to visit the accompanying web app (best viewed on handheld device!).
  • A walkthrough of the app is provided here.
  • If you do decide to play a game, please consider filling out this feedback form afterwards

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