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Raiding the Dusty Wastes

Raiding the Dusty Wastes

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Begin the March of Monsters!

Tutoring 8
Skill 7
Idea 9
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I survived! I’ve had to sideline the camels for a little bit only because I was not in the best place with difficulty breathing last week. I’m back at work and making up for lost wages. In that aim I am almost done with my commission work and will be getting cash in hand.

As I lack anything new and exciting to reveal for camels I give you this…

My secret project that was so fun to developMy secret project that was so fun to develop

As promised I was working with a 3D sculptor and got the cyclops created for my developing Saga Age of Magic, the Arabian Knights. The Ray Harryhausen work was taken and played with slightly but I think it came out well. My own modelling skills to get the upper torso posed better was well worth it. I can say that Fiverr is not limited to $5. This was well north of that and I still need to get it printed. I’m glad that I saved the person I worked with last as it should run me a paltry sum, by comparison, to have the resin created.

So yes, there is a running list of things to paint:

  • Four camels
  • A unit of levy archers
  • Leader on giant scorpion (beast)
  • Djinn on flying base
  • A warmachine of some sort
  • A huge yet to be revealed monster
  • Some sort of mage that I have yet to find and purchase for painting

What can I say? I like my monstrous options. Beyond that I think that the number of warriors I have can be halved for squads of Hearthguard so no need to buy anything more in that regard. I’m thinking of maybe a couple of creatures as far as options but this really boils down to what lists I want to play. The thing about Saga is that it is mini agnostic and you can play whatever list you build for. I think that I could shuffle my minis between Great Kingdoms, Masters of the Wild (why limit the wilds to the woods?) or perhaps go to The Horde. I’ve debated on The Otherworld (a mad Arab with some Cthulhu minions as well could work) but its still in the planning if I really would want to.

Anywhat, that’s the new stuff to be printed and then I will whittle away the project until I start up on Amazons (a whole other insane project when compared to single figures).

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Ooooh lovely Harryhousen. We just talked about him last night.

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