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Bot War - Cult of the Destroyer

Bot War - Cult of the Destroyer

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A new cult....but not that cult, this is a Bot cult!

Tutoring 7
Skill 7
Idea 10

Welcome to another Bot War painting project!

This one is not for an online painting challenge, no, this one is for an in person actual painting competition.

Do I expect to win?


Do I want to see my finished models in a cabinet surrounded by other awesome miniatures, and see other people looking at them and commenting about them?

Oh yes!


So, this mini project will capture the key milestones I make along my journey to get these entries complete, it won’t be a daily update like my other projects, but it will hopefully be updated regularly over the next 8 weeks to chart my progress.

Target confirmed...... Salute 2021

After last year’s postponement, the South London Warlords Salute show is back, and will be held on Saturday 13th November 2021 at the ExCel centre in London UK, and there will be an actual “in-person” painting competition.

My goal is to get some Bot War entries into the cabinets, not to win, just to hopefully look cool and perhaps stand out against the other entries.

So what categories am I entering?

5. Science Fiction Wargames unit

6. Science Fiction Creature or Vehicle

What miniatures will I be entering?

Well, if you’ve seen any of my previous projects you may have guessed, it will be a unit of bots backed up by a titan class…. This time it will be the recently released Cult of the Destroyer for the Deceivers faction, including the big bot himself, Destroyer.



I am in no way sponsored or affiliated with Bot War or Traders Galaxy, I am just a fan of the game, the miniatures, and universe Anthony has created, its the miniatures range I have always wanted so I’m happy to share my enjoyment of them where I can and hopefully see this game grow and grow.

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rumblezorg Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

Great work on the project figures @rum8le love the grubby look to the construction bots. Congratulations on the gold button.

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