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Oriskany's US 28mm Reinforcements

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Battle Carry Sabot: North vs. South Korea Tank Duel

Tutoring 11
Skill 11
Idea 11
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Join us while Oriskany Jim runs a heads-up match between Bill (Sitrep 6) and community member Rasmus for  game of Battle Carry Sabot.

Our battle for the week imagines North Korean battle tanks invading into South Korea sometimes in the near future.  In our scenario, a spearhead of North Korean “Seon’gun-915” main battle tanks of the 105th Guards Armored Division has just broken through Republic of Korea infantry defensive positions, and is then counterattacked by responding South Korean K-2 “Black Panther” MBTs.

Sunday, September 12 – 2PM East US Time, 7PM UK Time

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Work continues on today's game of Battle Carry Sabot.  First, the general disposition of real-life forces (not including reservists) for the ROK, DPRK, USA, and USMC in the Korean Peninsula.  Some of this is a little incomplete.  Unsurprisingly, reliable data on real-life North Korean forces and where they are deployed is a little tough to get on short notice.  One key unit is the KPA 105th Guards Armored Division.  Notice where they have broken across the DMZ through a gap where there are no major rivers along the Intra-Korean Border.  I have this picked as kind of a Work continues on today's game of Battle Carry Sabot. First, the general disposition of real-life forces (not including reservists) for the ROK, DPRK, USA, and USMC in the Korean Peninsula. Some of this is a little incomplete. Unsurprisingly, reliable data on real-life North Korean forces and where they are deployed is a little tough to get on short notice. One key unit is the KPA 105th Guards Armored Division. Notice where they have broken across the DMZ through a gap where there are no major rivers along the Intra-Korean Border. I have this picked as kind of a "Fulda Gap" of our scenario, a major breakthrough here will allow the North Korean KPA to flank Seoul from the east. In our imaginary "tomorrow war" they have just been met by lead elements of 2nd and 30th Armored Brigades, II ROK Corps.
Here is the map for the game.  A one-inch grid = 50 meters (scale 1/2000).  To the west of the map, along that highway and among those buildings, the main body of KPA 105th Guards Armored Division's lead regiment has just collided with 2nd Battalion, ROK 2nd Armored Brigade.  Losses are heavy.  The commander of KPA's 1st Battalion has detached a company of his Songun-915 tanks eastward to try to find a way through those mountains around the flank.  This company is @rasmus' force.  Rasmus' North Koreans have hit a single ROK APC staged out here on defensive reconnaissance.  They destroyed the vehicle, but not before it issued a fragmentory warning report to 2/2 ROK Armored Brigade's HQ.  The commander of 2/2's Delta Company has just tapped his XO ( @SITREP 6), sending him eastward with one detached platoon of K-2 Here is the map for the game. A one-inch grid = 50 meters (scale 1/2000). To the west of the map, along that highway and among those buildings, the main body of KPA 105th Guards Armored Division's lead regiment has just collided with 2nd Battalion, ROK 2nd Armored Brigade. Losses are heavy. The commander of KPA's 1st Battalion has detached a company of his Songun-915 tanks eastward to try to find a way through those mountains around the flank. This company is @rasmus' force. Rasmus' North Koreans have hit a single ROK APC staged out here on defensive reconnaissance. They destroyed the vehicle, but not before it issued a fragmentory warning report to 2/2 ROK Armored Brigade's HQ. The commander of 2/2's Delta Company has just tapped his XO ( @SITREP 6), sending him eastward with one detached platoon of K-2 "Black Panther" MBTs to meet the flanking KPA armor and secure the battalion's east flank. It's five ROK tanks against 13 KPA tanks. Whoever wins turns the east flank of the enemy force's main body, and probably tips the balance of the main battle taking place to the west.
Here are some photos, my playing pieces, and some technical data for the two types of tanks we will see pitted against each other tomorrow.Here are some photos, my playing pieces, and some technical data for the two types of tanks we will see pitted against each other tomorrow.
Here are the game values for today's tanks.  Note the Songun-915 deploys ATGW s ... Bulsae (Firebird)-3 missiles reverse-engineered from Russian AT-14 Spriggans.  They also have two SA-16 MANPADS bolted to the turret, not that they will come into play this game.   Meanwhile, the K-2s deploy an Active Protection System, a radar detector that tracks incoming rockets and missiles and explodes an armor projectile out to intercept the the threat before it even hits the tank.  These are new features we'll be playtesting tomorrow for the first time.Here are the game values for today's tanks. Note the Songun-915 deploys ATGW s ... Bulsae (Firebird)-3 missiles reverse-engineered from Russian AT-14 Spriggans. They also have two SA-16 MANPADS bolted to the turret, not that they will come into play this game. Meanwhile, the K-2s deploy an Active Protection System, a radar detector that tracks incoming rockets and missiles and explodes an armor projectile out to intercept the the threat before it even hits the tank. These are new features we'll be playtesting tomorrow for the first time.
A sample of what part of tomorrow's game might look like.A sample of what part of tomorrow's game might look like.

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