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Odds, Sods n ......Stuffs. A Medley of Mayhem

Odds, Sods n ......Stuffs. A Medley of Mayhem

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Hamelin Complete - Biggest Piece I have ever done o.O - 15 months in the doing!

Tutoring 9
Skill 11
Idea 10
Hamelin - Bard of TwilightHamelin - Bard of Twilight

Finally finished! The longest, biggest and most detailed piece I’ve ever worked on! 15 months from start to finish!

This really was one heck of  journey. I worked on this piece from time to time, never rushing just tickling away at it when time allowed.

I was always going to be a long project but the depth of it was where it really shone for me. I tweaked some older workups i use, Invented some wholly new ones where i felt it needed and experiemented as much as I wanted.  I threw caution in the bin adn just went for it. It wasnt a commission piece but something i wanted to learn as much as possible from working on adn there were/are a whole bunch of ‘firsts’ in there!
It is a narrative piece and there is a story in there but what that story is and whether its the same as the story i saw in the making isnt really important. Whatever story the viewers get from it is the one that matters 🙂

Anyways – enough jibber jabber. Photos!  I hope you enjoy this as much as I did both in the making and the finished piece. If you have any questions at all about it – techniques, details etc etc – please feel free to ask away 🙂

Hamelin Complete - Biggest Piece I have ever done o.O - 15 months in the doing!
Hamelin Complete - Biggest Piece I have ever done o.O - 15 months in the doing!
Hamelin Complete - Biggest Piece I have ever done o.O - 15 months in the doing!
Hamelin Complete - Biggest Piece I have ever done o.O - 15 months in the doing!
Hamelin Complete - Biggest Piece I have ever done o.O - 15 months in the doing!

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Cult of Games Member

That’s not Moonstone 😉

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