Making a fist of Indomitus
Basing and Kill team
I got a copy of the new kill team box, and choose to start with the terrain, this got a base coat of leadbelcher, and then different panels picked out with assorted metallics. The whole thing got a black wash which dried a lot darker than I anticipated, then picked out the ork glyphs in different colours as well as a few black panels.
Lastly it was weathered with ryza rust, dry brushed with leadbelcher and then necron compound.
Basing the orks was a bit more of a challenge than I thought, but I have most of the beast snaggas done now, just the speed freaks to go. After the last step the bases are painted Oak brown (a step I regret now but ho hum), then dry brushed with monster brown and then some army painter summer undergrowth is stuck on around the clumps.
fantastic paintwork on your project terrain an figures @hairybrains
Thanks, I’m glad I went with the jungle bases rather than the scrap ones.