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Oriskany's US 28mm Reinforcements

Oriskany's US 28mm Reinforcements

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Red Dragon 2028: Chinese Invade Taiwan (Gladesrunner v. Oriskany in Naval Command)

Tutoring 12
Skill 12
Idea 12
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Join us as we wrap up our Red Dragon 2028 series, imagining a possible Chinese invasion of Taiwan in the near future.

So far we’ve done ground combat in Modern Era Panzer Leader, and air combat in AirWar C21.  Now we’re going to look at a naval operations with Rory Crabb’s Naval Command – pitting the PLA Navy against the US Navy’s Seventh Fleet.

Will the US Navy be able to shut down the pipeline of men, machines, and supplies the Chinese are struggling to set up across the Taiwan Strait?  Tune in and find out!

Sunday, September 5 – 2PM East US Time, 7PM UK Time

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The situation at the end of our fictional campaign.  While the Chinese Air Force has held its own over the southern reaches of the Taiwan Strait, ground victories by the US and her Western Pacific Allies have pretty much collapsed the Chinese bridgehead on northern Taiwan.  The Chinese are sending across a massive landing force to reinforce their southern bridgehead, which they hope can hold on long enough to force a favorable peace terms.The situation at the end of our fictional campaign. While the Chinese Air Force has held its own over the southern reaches of the Taiwan Strait, ground victories by the US and her Western Pacific Allies have pretty much collapsed the Chinese bridgehead on northern Taiwan. The Chinese are sending across a massive landing force to reinforce their southern bridgehead, which they hope can hold on long enough to force a favorable peace terms.
The four classes of surface warship that will appear in today's game.  Of course, both sides will have one carrier off table as well, the USS Ronald Reagan (CVN-76, flagship US 7th Fleet) and PLN Shandong (Type 002 class carrier)The four classes of surface warship that will appear in today's game. Of course, both sides will have one carrier off table as well, the USS Ronald Reagan (CVN-76, flagship US 7th Fleet) and PLN Shandong (Type 002 class carrier)
Here is our virtual miniatures table, with each 1Here is our virtual miniatures table, with each 1" grid measuring 1 nautical mile of ocean. Thus, we have 108 x 60 miles of battle area here, an area roughly the size of Northern Ireland.
A close up of most of the American forces we'll see in today's game.  The idea is to defeat Chinese surface ships, suppress enemy air strikes and land-based cruise missile attacks, and finally get to grips with the Chinese transport fleet (six Type 072A amphibious warfare transports).  If the Americans can do enough damage to the Chinese landing fleet, their surviving bridgehead in southern Taiwan will be cut off and doomed to defeat.A close up of most of the American forces we'll see in today's game. The idea is to defeat Chinese surface ships, suppress enemy air strikes and land-based cruise missile attacks, and finally get to grips with the Chinese transport fleet (six Type 072A amphibious warfare transports). If the Americans can do enough damage to the Chinese landing fleet, their surviving bridgehead in southern Taiwan will be cut off and doomed to defeat.

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