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Krieg, Guard & Orks! Armageddon Mega Project

Krieg, Guard & Orks! Armageddon Mega Project

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The Combat Engineers are done!

Tutoring 8
Skill 8
Idea 8
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These took way longer than I expected even doing full days of painting as I am currently on leave. I have pieced together these minis from the Death Korps of Krieg bodies, Palanite Subjugator left arms, right arms and shields, and the guns from the Palanite Enforcers which I needed to trim down removing the second hand on the foregrip and making them one-handed due to them carrying shields.

I am happy with the paint job and pretty happy with the posing, for the most part. I hope to improve on the posing when I get to adding the second squad in the 2000 point force in the future.

The next unit to get me closer to having 500 points to play with is one I have been fearful of doing for quite a long time and that’s 5 x Deathriders. They are great minis with tonnes of detail and I hope to do them justice, not sure how long they will take me due to the amount of detail but fingers crossed they appear here in the next couple of weeks or so.

Keep hobbying out there guys.

The Combat Engineers are done!
The Combat Engineers are done!
The Combat Engineers are done!

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