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Bolt Action USMC 1000pts army

Bolt Action USMC 1000pts army

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The recipe, kinda...

Tutoring 5
Skill 6
Idea 6
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The recipe, kinda...
The recipe, kinda...
The recipe, kinda...

I used mostly a Deathguard Green primer on everything. Then used some base colours of Bugman’s Glow on the skin, Mornfang Brown on the leather and wood and Zandri Dust on the webbing and helmet, then hit it with washes.

Agrax on the brown parts and the webbing. Reikland Fleshshade on the flesh and camo patches on the helmet. (The camo also had splotches of Mornfang Brown, occasional Deathguard Green and extra Agrax drips, knocking back anything too harsh with Zandri Dust for a dusty finish.)

After some Leadbelcher was used on the metal parts I would add Nulin Oil.

And Athonian Camoshade was added to the uniform liberally. Then I drag the details back out with highlights of Deathguard Green and rough dry brush highlight with Zandri Dust, more precisely on the webbing, and more as dry brush dust and grime on the knees and trouser bottoms. Also used some Morghast Bone for a more bold highlight here and there.

Anything like bare helmet (ooh err), bazookas, grenades etc. I painted Vallejo Brown Violet green and usually hit with Athonian Camoshade again.

I used an Army Painter White for eye balls and teeth and Abadon Black for eyes and some knife handles.

The bigger guns on the Buffalo, MMG team, M8 GMC and Half-track all had Cryptek Armourshade straight over the primer and dry brush of Leadbelcher to get rid of any green showing through and bring out the detail.

Wood stocks etc. got occasional highlights of Vallejo New Wood.

There was also a black eye that got some citadel violet wash and Blood for the Blood God for wounds and bandages. I think that a lot of the metal gun parts had too much Leadbelcher on them and that perhaps using maybe a Vallejo mahogany brown on the boots would have been a better option, but I was being quite lazy and allowing what was closest at hand to dictate my pallette at times. e.g. Some of the boots early on were Vallejo Mahogany Brown or Flat Brown, there was a half tidy up of my desk and the boots suddenly started being painted with Mournfang Brown.

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