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Finally finishing the Repulsor!

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1
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The mid tone and Highlight colours finally arrived, so work could progress on the Repulsor.

Mid tone, and highlights for the Green.Mid tone, and highlights for the Green.

I then started the other colours, of course starting with a base colour, the red/brown for the red, and a brown for the bronze, and gold. A missed photo showing the gloss black for the silver details.

Base colours elsewhere.Base colours elsewhere.

Red is finished, metallics are finished including unveiling the metallics on the hover details, also white details done. Gloss varnish added to start decals.

Painting done, varnished ready for decals.Painting done, varnished ready for decals.

Decals added


Final gloss varnish.


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