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AuroraInbags Kingdom Death

AuroraInbags Kingdom Death

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Expansion 1.0: Sunstalker

Tutoring 9
Skill 9
Idea 9
Expansion 1.0: Sunstalker
Expansion 1.0: Sunstalker

Most of the pictures I’ve found ‘out there’, of the Sunstalker, he’s dark and gloomy and ‘dangerous’ looking. But honestly, after I build him, I just thought he was such a fun and happy guy. I mean, look at that smile. He’s just having the time of his life. And with all his tentacles I guess it was only natural I was imagining him on the beach, minding his own business, building sandcastles and playing with jellyfish.

And then along come the survivors, wanting to skin him and use his bones for weapons and his teeth for jewelry. WTF!

I didn’t really have any beach items, and definitely none for scale. But decided that he’d probably ‘borrowed’ another families stuff more than bring his own. The ball was easy. That’s just green stuff. The ‘pile of sand’ is also just green stuff, and the end of a shovel from another mini stuck into it. I had to chop it down to size quite a bit, cause it had a hand stuck to is. (Honestly evil Lina thought for a moment to let the hand stay, sculpt some bone coming out of it, and paint it up a bloody mess, like our Sun Boi here had just ripped it off the arm). I do kinda like it with the shorter handle though. Seems more fitting. The ‘bucket’ is a barrel from Carnevale, drilled out and filled with sand. And some wire just bended to fit as a handle thingy. Super easy….barely an inconvenience. And I’m quite pleased with how it turned out.

All colours are Scale75 unless otherwise noted.
* Pale Skin: Thar Brown, Pale Skin, Phoenix Egg+ Spectral Wolf, Dead Flesh
* Blue Skin: Berring Blue, Pale Skin, Leviathan Blue
* Nipples, Feet and well..other body parts 😉 : Basic Flesh, Flesh Wash (Army Painter), Ishtar Pink, Pale Skin
* Rainbow Arms: Sunset Purple, Antares Red, Mars Orange, Sol Yellow, Hykey Yellow, Purple Tone (Army Painter), Fuegan Orange (GW), Cassandora Yellow (GW), Lamenters Yellow (GW), Titanium White (Schmincke)
* Mouth: Tindalos Red, Ishtar Pink
Teeth: Birch, Flesh Wash (Army Painter) Titanium White (Schmincke)

Sunstalker People Skin: Golden Skin, Light Tone (Army Painter) + Lamenters Yellow (GW), Pale Skin

Sunstalker Survivor Skin: Malefic Flesh, Pale Flesh and Purple Shadow, all 3 from Vallejo

Expansion 1.0: Sunstalker
Expansion 1.0: Sunstalker
Expansion 1.0: Sunstalker
Expansion 1.0: Sunstalker
Expansion 1.0: Sunstalker
Expansion 1.0: Sunstalker

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aurorainbagbuggeroffsundancerrickabod41 Recent comment authors
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this is equal parts charming, funny, and horrifying!

Excellent idea on the beach theme, oddly enough my personal favourite part of this is the teeth. Love how they look!

Cult of Games Member

love it, amazing work Lina, love the colour and the theme.

Cult of Games Member

Double You Tea Eff!

that’s stuff of nightmares XD

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