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Retreat From Moscow

Retreat From Moscow

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Test Model

Tutoring 19
Skill 19
Idea 19

First model for this project was a quick test to try out how I wanted to base the models. I went for an Old Guard Grenadier, partly because the uniform is very easy to find reference for, partly because I like the figure a lot. This model by the Perrys is clearly based on Faber du Faur’s work too.

Pretty happy with how the base turned out. I used Vallejo’s Dark Earth Texture followed by a light brush brush of Vallejo’s Off-White, and then added some Battlefield Snow by Army Painter.

Test Model
Test Model

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Chrisnightrunner Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

I am very hyped for this game. It reminds me of ‘Captain Kronos Vampire Hunter’. It combines two of my favourite genres – gothic horror and napoleonics.

The game seems like a small ‘Kill Team’ of specialists taken from different unit types. I will wait though, until I get my hands on a copy before I start building some forces.

Nonetheless I will enjoy following your blog.

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