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80th Anniversary Wargame Video - Iwo Jima (Elessar2590 vs. Oriskany)

80th Anniversary Wargame Video - Iwo Jima (Elessar2590 vs. Oriskany)

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HK Ops: Modern Military Role-Playing Demo Video

Tutoring 10
Skill 10
Idea 10

Here is the replay from Sunday’s stream, where we ran a quick refresher, overview, and intro for HK Ops, the modern military RPG developed for virtual on-line play for the Sitrep Podcast.  Myself and @gladesrunner went through the basic premise of the game, how to create a character, how to spend XP, and a sample couple of turns in a typical firefight.

Might be a fun listen while painting or hobbying!

A blank character sheet.  Note the formatting is LANDSCAPE for best on-screen play (as opposed to A4 / 8.5 x 11 portrait for print-out).A blank character sheet. Note the formatting is LANDSCAPE for best on-screen play (as opposed to A4 / 8.5 x 11 portrait for print-out).
Completed new character, with a little Completed new character, with a little "start up XP" to join a more experienced party. Note the equipment list, filled in "automatically" with some simple drop downs to reduce bookkeeping to an absolute minimum.
A sample background map.A sample background map.
A sample A sample "campaign" map of the actual operational area where the mission takes place.
A tactical map, where a firefight is playing out.  Jenn, playing a vehicle expert formerly from South African special tactics and rescue police, has just run over two ISIS terrorists in her JTLV. A tactical map, where a firefight is playing out. Jenn, playing a vehicle expert formerly from South African special tactics and rescue police, has just run over two ISIS terrorists in her JTLV.
That BMP-2 just missed us, but Jenn spun us around the building (taking loads of fire along the way) We're both wounded, but I'm out with my M4 assault carbine and grenade launcher to at least pin down those incoming insurgents, while she clambers into the turret of the JTLV and puts a 20mm burst in to the back of the BMP-2.  That BMP is damaged ... but not out by any means ...That BMP-2 just missed us, but Jenn spun us around the building (taking loads of fire along the way) We're both wounded, but I'm out with my M4 assault carbine and grenade launcher to at least pin down those incoming insurgents, while she clambers into the turret of the JTLV and puts a 20mm burst in to the back of the BMP-2. That BMP is damaged ... but not out by any means ...

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Cult of Games Member

that was fun, thanks Jim 😀

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