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Getting roads to just ruddy lay flat

Getting roads to just ruddy lay flat

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Cobbled Roads - the easy option

Tutoring 7
Skill 7
Idea 7

As discussed in the last entry, I’ll be trying two options to paint this up. A straight up paint over the wall paper and a second option using acrylic caulk and then paint.

This is the easy option where I won’t use the caulk.

Taking my trial piece, I’ve hit it with a grey primer straight onto the wallpaper and any of the exposed rubber. Once again, I am using Halfords trusty grey primer.

Cobbled Roads - the easy option

I want to keep this simple and quick to produce, so I mixed up a wash of dark brown and black and liberally applied this. After drying, I wasn’t convinced that the shading was enough, so I gave it a second coat. The below picture is after the first coat.

Cobbled Roads - the easy option

With the shading looking OK, I’ve opted for a simple dry brush. To keep costs down, I have opted for some decorating tester pots. In this case, Cuprinol Silver Birch

Cobbled Roads - the easy option
Finished Test pieceFinished Test piece

This looks fine however I’m not convinced with the gaps between the stones – they look a little large and big when compared to the size of the stones. I can also see that this option may not be that robust. As I have made the road out of a single large strip of wallpaper and then two smaller strips to created the curb, I can see this starting to come apart. I’m thinking that the acrylic version may provide more strength and longevity. I’ll test that next.

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Cult of Games Member

I think the gaps would be less of an issue if you would fill them with fine grain sand like chinchilla sand. That would look more “realistic”

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