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80th Anniversary Wargame Video - Iwo Jima (Elessar2590 vs. Oriskany)

80th Anniversary Wargame Video - Iwo Jima (Elessar2590 vs. Oriskany)

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Video Replay: AirWar C21: Britain vs. Argentina over the Falklands - May 1982

Tutoring 8
Skill 8
Idea 8
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Greetings, OTT:  Here is the video replay of the AirWar C21 game between myself and @hegemongary, where we recreated one of the initial fighter sweeps at the onset of the 1982 Falklands War.

We buzz through a very brief overview of the conflict’s background, and then launch aircraft and get into the dogfight (Royal Navy FRS1 Sea Harriers vs. Argentininian Mirage IIIEA interceptors).

Might be a fun listen while working on some hobby or painting.

It’s maneuverability and electronics vs. speed and numbers!  Who will prevail?

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